Monday, June 18, 2007

Just Another Manic Monday !!

Seriously, Mondays suck. They always have and they always will. Even my 4 yr old hates mondays !!

I always sleep late on Sundays and then Sunday night I can never go to sleep. Needless to say I was up until about 1 a.m. last night and had to be up at 5:30 for work today. So, here I am at work. It is a little after seven a.m. and I am trying to collect my thoughts so I can get through today.

This summer is going to be hard to work. This is the first summer I have worked in 3 years. Summer is the time of year when we go to the zoo, waterparks, and other fun places. It is soooo hard being in the office. I miss being a SAHM, but there is nothing I can do about it right now!!
I can't wait until Rae goes to Kindergarden and I can look into furthering my photography business.

Anyway, happy monday to everyone or blah monday to everyone...whatever you prefer.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

You are really into the blogging thing, Jill! It's fun. I really like your pictures, I hope you do get to further your photography soon! Have a great day.

About Me

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28 yr old Mom to two kids. I love photography, baseball (especially little league), and spending time with my kids. My friends are my lifeline and they keep me strong !!