Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Can I go back to sleep....

It is 5:45 and I am already at work. I have soooo much to do today. I was complaining of being bored yesterday and today, well my deadline is 8 a.m to make about 50 vendors happy. So, I crawled out of bed at 4:45 so that I accomplish this. I should have stopped at Starbucks or gotten a Red Bull somewhere. I hope my co-workers don't come in to find me passed out asleep on my desk. Please let today be over with soon.

On another note, I had a HUGE scare yesterday !! So, at 3:15 yesterday my work decided to give me all the info for our new accounts etc and expected me to cut ALL needed vendor checks by 4:00. I laughed at them. So, I started scrambling to start this rushed process and my phone rings. It was Ryan's school.

School- "We have Ryan here in the front office. He was supposed to be picked up by 3:15"

Me- "UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, ( this was an aggrevated, worried, and scared UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM) he was SUPPOSED to be picked up by Kids R Kids !!!! "

School- "That is what Ryan told us but Kids R Kids said they didn't have him on their list"

I start to panic at this point.

Me- "I am an hour away !!!!!"

School- " Do you have anyone that can pick him up?"

Me- "I don't know.... I will figure something out and call you right back"

I call Kids R Kids and give them a good lashing about not getting Ryan, etc...etc... They say I didn't sign the release and paperwork. At this point I am embarrased b/c unfortunately I am VERY scatterbrained and I had dropped the ball.

Kids R Kids- "We will go get Ryan right now"

Okay, so problem solved. Anyway, I get to Kids R Kids that afternoon and guess what???????? When we opened Ryan's file I HAD signed the release and everything !! They were apologetic and Ryan was fine. However, that kind of stuff happens to me ALL THE TIME !!!!

Ry enjoyed his first day and didn't get in trouble !! ( I am trying to look on the bright and positive side of things this year !! )

So, we were supposed to have baseball practice, but it got rained out. I was looking forward to it. Practice always means the kids get worn out. Mother Nature had other plans. The sky opened up and poured buckets of rain an hour before practice. CRAP !! The good thing about that is that I was able to go to the gym a little early. Theresa met me there and once again proceeded to kick my ass. ( sorry for the language guys, but you know me !! ) Seriously, the girl wanted to go to a body and soul class after we had already been working out for 45 minutes !! You crazy girl????? Oh and I think they need to make a special gym just for 15-21 yr olds. I think Lifetime Fitness is their new social hang out spot. They were EVERYWHERE !!! They can however leave the hotties to work out... gotta love some good eye candy while you are trying not to act like a wimp and only lift 20 lbs ( my poor arms are sooo weak !! ). I am waiting for the pain from last night to set in. Thanks T for the workout and I will see you Wednesday night. Hey, remember your suit so that we can hit the hot tub afterwards !!!!!

I finished my book ( if you haven't you need to read The Pact by Jodi Picoult... very good book !! ) tonight and crashed. 5 hours later here I am at work. Being a grown-up sucks sometimes. Why can't I be a 15 yr old again who hangs out at Lifetime Fitness with the hotties.... a girl can dream can't she???

oh oh oh...one more thing.... I have 3 new favorite websites. Warning: theres adult subject matter. No, not any pictures, but just some of the stuff people say. I never knew some moms were SOOOOOO miserable. Makes me thankful for the life I do have.


The dad one can get raunchy, but hilarious !!!

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About Me

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28 yr old Mom to two kids. I love photography, baseball (especially little league), and spending time with my kids. My friends are my lifeline and they keep me strong !!