Kid Free Weekend...
The thought of a kid free weekend brought thoughts of fun times and wild night... bwa ha ha was I wrong ! The kids left on Thursday morning so I went and had drinks with my girls... Ummm, always a fun times... darts, awkward turtles, goals in life, etc etc !! LOL I guess you had to be there to understand. Anyway, I was supposed to go out dancing Friday, but I was feeling yucky and tired from Thursday night. I cuddled up on the couch and watched 4 hrs of the little league world series regional comp ( yes i know i am a huge giant little league dork for doing this !! LOL ) I slept all alone in my big ole bed and got to sleep late. I literally layed on the couch and watched yet more little league. I went to dinner with Todd and Gretchen. Gretchen is due next weekend so I am ready for her to pop that little baby out !! I can't wait to meet baby Emma.
My throat had started to get a little scratchy yesterday, but I woke up today feeling like I had gotten run over by a freight truck. I have watched movies all day. So, my kid free weekend turned into a t.v loving little league baseball fest. Hmmm, actually I probably needed it to chill out. I tend to be on edge a lot these days.
I wish I had some funny quips and such, but I don't considering i still feel like crap. I am excited to see my kiddos and kiss and hug them again !!
Ryan should start practice with the Legends this week. I am excited to get him back into the baseball groove. I had DVR'd all the games from the weekend so that he can watch them. There are some amazing teams on there.
Anyway, I will get all the kids stories from this weekend and post them tomorrow.
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