Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Quickie....

Ewwww people !! Get your mind out of the gutters !! I meant a quick post. Okay, my boss will be here any minute so I have to make this quick. My eye is not any better today :( Well, I shouldn't say that. It doesn't throb anymore. It is just really red. What am I going to do tomorrow night?? I mean, if it doesn't clear up then the doctor won't give me contacts. Plus, I do not want to wear glasses to a bar !! That is an accident waiting to happen.

Oh, I will have some cool news to post on my blog next week. I won't post it now b/c there could be repercussions of posting this news before it has actually happened. So, for now just be on the look-out for it !!

I am sooooo ready for tomorrow night. I am going to go get Chri's b-day present today at lunch. Yes, I am getting him that stupid reel. That is what makes him happy so I guess I will get it. For my b-day he got me a new charm bracelet ( loved these as a little girl, but it means so much more when you build one as an adult !! ) , a photography backpack ( boring to him I am sure !! ), and gift certificates to my favorite stores. I will be the good wife and return the favor !! LOL

I will post more later. The boss lady just walked in !!

1 comment:

Mema said...

This week is not going to great for you. Just karma I guess. Happens to all of us. Next week will be better - maybe.


About Me

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28 yr old Mom to two kids. I love photography, baseball (especially little league), and spending time with my kids. My friends are my lifeline and they keep me strong !!